Company Information
Luchetti Srl
Via dell'Artigianato, 11/13
60027 Osimo (AN), Italia
Phone: 071 9691906
Capitale sociale interamente versato: Euro 49.857
Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura delle MARCHE
REA: AN - 125739
P.IVA IT01348190420
Legal Notice
1. Terminology
For the purposes of these Conditions of Use, terms in capital letters have the meaning indicated on the Sale Conditions in addition to that one possibly indicated on the same Conditions of Use.
2. Parties to the agreement and legal sources
Il Sito, di titolarità di LUCHETTI SRL (di seguito, il "Titolare"), è gestito dalla GRUPPO LUCHETTI. Via dell’Artigianato 45/b1-b2– 60027 Osimo (AN) – Italia, P.IVA: IT01348190420 - REA: AN 206828 (di seguito, il "Venditore"). L'accesso e l'uso del Sito, compresa la visualizzazione delle pagine web, la comunicazione con il Venditore, la possibilità di scaricare informazioni sui Prodotti e l'acquisto dei Prodotti, costituiscono attività condotte dagli utenti del Sito esclusivamente per usi personali estranei a qualsiasi attività commerciale, imprenditoriale e professionale. L'accesso e l'uso del Sito sono attività regolate dalle presenti Condizioni d'Uso e presuppongono la lettura, la conoscenza e l'accettazione delle presenti Condizioni d'Uso, delle Condizioni di Vendita, delle Politiche di Reso e della Privacy Policy.
3. Modification of Terms
These Terms of Use may be amended or updated by the Seller at any time. Such amended Terms of Use shall be effective upon posting on the Site. You are advised to regularly review any applicable Term and Condition. If the user disagrees with some or all Using Conditions he is asked to do not use the Site.
4. Responsibility
The user will be solely responsible for his own user content. The Seller is not responsible for inappropriate use of the Site by users, not in accordance with the actual law, except for intentional fault and serious misconduct responsibility. In particular the user will be solely responsible for uncorrected and false information and/or for any uncorrected use of the same. Lastly, given that any Site content will be visualized and downloaded or differently used by means of communication chosen by the user at his own risk, any responsibility for possible damages to computer systems or loss of data, after using the Site, will be on user and won’t be attributed to the Seller. In no event shall the Seller be liable for any damage resulting from inability or difficulty to access this Website or for any possible damage referring to worm, corrupted files, failures, interruption of the service, content cancellation, network or provider problems, telephone or telematic connection problems, not authorized access, alteration of data, failure or malfunctioning of the user or third parties hardware. The user is responsible for care and proper using of personal information including credentials for reserved*/ services access as well as for any possible harmful consequence and injury that may result against the Seller or third parties because of inappropriate use, loss or misappropriation of such information.
5. Privacy
Users have to read carefully the Privacy Policy applied regardless the user access on the Site even if he does not purchase any product. The Privacy Policy let the user understand how and what for we collect, through the Site, his personal information.
6. Intellectual property - copyright
The content of the Site, as for example, works, images, pictures, dialogues, music, video and sounds, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material, in any format, published on the Site, including menubar, web pages, graphic, colours, tools, fonts and design of the Website, diagrams, layouts, methods and processes, functions and software of the Site, are protected by copyright and by every intellectual property right of the Holder, Seller and other right-holders. Complete or partial reproduction of the Site and its content, in any form, is not permitted without the written consent of the Holder and the Seller or, of the authors of works contained in the Site where necessary. The Seller and the Holder have the exclusive right to authorized or forbid the temporary or not, direct or indirect, reproduction in any form and part of the Site and its contents. Referring to the use of the Site, the user is solely authorized to visualize contents and reproduce temporary acts have not economic significance, that are considered as-being ancillary and transitional, part and parcel of the same visualization of the Site and its contents and all the other translations exclusively executed for legitimate use of the Site. Any partial or complete reproduction of the Site and its contents, in whatever medium, is forbidden to the user. The Holder and the Seller, or the authors of works contained in the Site, when necessary, must authorize any act of reproduction from time to time. These reproductions have to be executed for legitimate purposes and in accordance with rightholders and other intellectual property copyrights of the Holder, the Seller and the authors of the works which are on the Site. Authors of single works published on the Site have the right to claim the paternity of their works and to object to any changing, cutting or other modification including acts that will damage works also in sense of injury of its reputation or honor, any time. The user undertakes to respect right-holders of artists who decided to publish or collaborate with their works on creating new expressive and artistic forms intended to be published also not exclusively on the Site or to be an integral part of it. Under no circumstances the user is authorized to use, in any way and form, contents of the Site and any single work protected by the right-holder and intellectual property copyright. For example the user may not modify contents of protected works without the consent of the Holder, of the Seller and of the single authors of the works published in the Site, when necessary.
6.1 Trademarks and domain name
All distinctive marks that differentiate products selling on the Site are registered trademarks of their holders and are used for the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing, publicizing, products selling on the Site. The exclusive use of registered trademarks is of the Seller and of the other trademark holders. Any other use of trademarks not in accordance with the law or however not authorized, is forbidden and it will imply serious legal consequences. It is totally forbidden to use trademarks which are on the Site to take unfair advantage for distinctive character or prestige from them and to affect the same ones and their holders.
7. Warning on contents
The Seller takes special care in order to guarantee accuracy of contents and update information to users but he is not responsible for the same ones, except for intentional fault and serious misconduct responsibility in compliance with the law. Furthermore, the Seller cannot guarantee that the Website continually works without interruption, errors and malfunction due to Internet connection. For any problem observed on the Site the user is advised to contact the customer service or to send an e-mail to: The user is also advised to contact his own Internet service provider or to control the correct use of his Internet connection and accessibility of web services.
8. Our commercial policy
The Seller mission consists to sell products through the Website to the consumer only, meaning an individual who acts for purposes other than those of his possible commercial, entrepreneurial and professional business. Please, users not qualify as simply consumer must not use the Site. On contrary the Seller will be able to not consider orders from this kind of users or however any other order not in compliance with Sale Conditions and Conditions of Use.
9. Applicable law and dispute resolution
These Conditions of Use are governed by the Italian law. The Court of Ancona is exclusively competent for relevant disputes except where existing unavoidable statuary rules of the country of customer residence.